How to forgive emotional cheating: Here’s what you need to know

how to forgive emotional cheating

Emotional cheating is very real and it can be one of the biggest challenges a couple faces. Many people associate physical cheating with physical intimacy, but there is such a thing as emotional intimacy with a person who is not your partner, and it is a common issue. As a life and relationship coach, it […]

Work affairs: Putting the pieces back together in your relationship

work affairs

One of the most challenging issues we come across in our coaching sessions is infidelity. When cheating creeps into a relationship, it creates such a rift between the two partners that oftentimes, it can feel like it is going to be impossible to overcome. I know that if an affair has trickled into your relationship, […]

What to do when your husband cheats and lies: The solution!

what to do when your husband cheats and lies

If you have sought out this article, it means that you have found yourself in a tricky situation. You either know for a fact, or you suspect that your husband is cheating and lying, and you want to know what to do about it. This is a common topic that comes up in our coaching […]

In love with a married man? Here’s what to do!

In love with a married man

There is one topic that a client came to me with the other day, and I realized that we haven’t created much content on the subject. It is, however, a very common theme in our coaching sessions! For that reason, I have decided to write an article on for you that will outline how to […]

Is he cheating on me and what do I do?!

is he cheating on me

There is no doubt about it. If you sense that your boyfriend or husband is cheating on you, it becomes hard to think about anything else. You feel anxious and on edge, suspicious and frustrated, and all you want are answers. But if you don’t have concrete evidence? How can you tell if someone is […]

3 signs of cheating and what to do if it’s happening!

signs of cheating

Unfortunately, cheating is one of the biggest problems in relationships today. There are so many reasons why it happens but that doesn’t make it okay. When there are signs of cheating happening in a relationship, it can damage the trust between two people like never before. I always say that trust is something that arrives […]

My wife is having an affair: How to rebuild your relationship

my wife is having an affair

“My wife is having an affair…” When somebody cheats in a relationship, the aftermath can be felt for a very long time. Many people just throw in the towel and give up on their relationship when their partner strays, but I want to let you know that after all these years as a coach specialized […]

Wife caught cheating: What do you do now?

wife caught cheating

Earlier today, I received an email from a man named Eric, who had reached out because he caught his wife cheating a few days ago. The emotions and the panic that he shared through his email are so common in these types of situations, that I knew the subject warranted its very own article. When […]

How to forgive infidelity ? Tips from a relationship expert

How to forgive infidelity

If there has been cheating in your relationship, trust has been shattered. Fortunately, you’ve found this website and now have access to numerous articles, videos, and even programs that have been specifically designed to help couples move past cheating and enter into a new chapter of their relationship. A new chapter that is even better […]

How long does a marriage last after infidelity: A coach’s honest answer

how long does a marriage last after infidelity

This is such a common question. We work with so many people who turn to us for help after cheating occurs in their relationships, and this is usually one of their first questions. “How long does a marriage last after infidelity? Can a marriage even last after someone cheated?” Cheating is such a complex issue, […]