Heal your relationship

Overcome Infidelity


Our Mission: rebuilding love after infidelity

For years, I’ve dedicated myself to developing this passion project aimed at assisting individuals like you in healing their relationships after experiencing infidelity. I firmly believe that committed relationships are vital for experiencing authentic happiness. Unfortunately, genuine love seems to be dwindling globally, with many embracing a distorted view of love and relationships.

As a seasoned relationship coach, it has become my life’s purpose to offer the love education that countless people around the world desperately need but have never had the opportunity to receive. I feel incredibly fortunate to be part of the journey of millions of couples worldwide who deserve to learn the fundamental skills and tools necessary to experience true, lasting, and fulfilling love.

It’s an honor for me to guide you in rebuilding and reinforcing your relationship with the one you love!

Restoring trust and love

Healing hearts after infidelity

I help you put the pieces back together after infidelity has shaken your relationship.

My mission is to empower you to rebuild trust and create a relationship that is better than ever before


Transforming relationships with coach Adrian

Coach Adrian’s results-based approach to relationship coaching has proven effective time and time again.

At the core of his philosophy lies a commitment to genuine personal transformation, which has empowered thousands of individuals worldwide through tailored 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

Coach Adrian takes great pride in his work, his solutions, and the relationships he cultivates with each individual who places their trust in him.

For him, this venture transcends mere business—it’s his mission, his lifestyle, and his purpose.

The Happily Committed Project serves as Coach Adrian’s dedication to serving humanity in the best way he knows how.

If you are ready to embark on this transformative journey and heal your relationship once and for all, please reach out today.


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5 Simple and Proven Steps to Rebuild your relationship after cheating!

Adrian, international coach, will share the blueprint to rebuild the foundations of your relationship after cheating… so that you can enjoy a fulfilled love life !



Explore our blog for expert advice, practical tips, and inspiring stories on maintaining and strengthening your relationships. Whether you’re facing challenges or simply looking to deepen your connection, our articles provide valuable insights to help you navigate your journey together.

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What our clients have to say​

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