11 telltale signs your relationship is over!

We all know that relationships will go through phases and things aren’t rosy one hundred percent of the time. There will be ups and downs for every couple, and when you are in a challenging period it’s normal to wonder if your relationship is in danger. It is not unusual for a person to wonder if they are seeing signs a relationship is over when things have been rocky for quite some time. Of course, making the decision to end a relationship is a big deal and should not be taken lightly. That is why it is so important to take the time to analyze the situation and really pinpoint what is going on here.

Fortunately, you have already gone out of your way to seek valuable information that can help you in this process. In today’s article, I want to go over the biggest signs your relationship is over so that you can get a clear idea of how to diagnose your situation.

Sometimes it’s nothing more than just a rough patch in the relationship, and other times it is time to let go…

It is my goal to provide you with tools for seeing things clearly so that you can define what steps you want to take. We are here to help you every step of the way, whether you want to save this relationship or turn the page and move on.

Signs your relationship is over: The role that Love plays

Love is a fascinating thing. It can make you feel highs that you’ve never experienced before, it can fill you with a sense of euphoria, it can inspire you to want to become the best version of yourself, and it can make you feel like the most cherished person in the world.

On the flip side, it can also cause terrible suffering. I’m sure it comes as no news to you that heartache and heartbreak are some of the most painful things a person can experience throughout their lifetime.

This can also account for why it is so scary to realize that your relationship might be on the brink of falling apart… when you see signs your relationship is over, you might panic, and this is especially true if you’ve been hurt in the past.

Because it is such a powerful emotion, Love can actually conjure up unresolved feelings. One day you are feeling loved and cherished by your boyfriend or girlfriend, and the next day you are suddenly afraid to trust love.

In many cases, people struggle with trusting and accepting their love because of the suffering they had endured in the past. Sometimes it is triggered by an argument or tensions in the relationship, but other times it surfaces on its own. When tensions arise in the relationship, we see a snowball effect.

Things can easily get blown out of proportion when we are already upset with our partners. If we do not address the root of the problem, arguments can form over small or insignificant details and the divide between the two partners will continue to grow.

I have worked with many couples that were struggling with hostility in their relationship. As a result of their past and the issues that their relationship was facing, they had felt so much hurt that hostility became their only defense again being crushed again.

It became a form of self-protection that made matters worse… A relationship in a perpetually hostile environment cannot thrive.

So what are the elements that make a relationship between two people hostile and what are the actual signs that a relationship is over?

How to know when it’s over: the inability to control your temper

One of the most common signs the relationship is over is when one or both partners are unable to control their temper and their anger towards their significant other.

There are explosive fights over the most trivial of things, one or both partners feel like they’re walking on eggshells all the time, and instead of teammates, you feel like you are opponents.

When you are looking for signs it’s over, it is important to pay attention to the dynamic between you and your partner. One of the foundations of a healthy relationship is the ability to operate as a team.

One of the things that I see people in relationships forget the most often is that each and every single one of us is human. This means that no one is perfect… and to err it is to be human.

Sure, being faced with your partner’s mistakes can be frustrating at times, but when you are in a committed relationship it’s all about operating as a team. If you are feeling hostile toward your boyfriend or girlfriend (or vice versa) on a regular basis, then you are looking at one of the signs your relationship is over.

If you are on attack mode towards your significant other, it may mean that the relationship is beyond repair.

Stages of marriage

When it’s over, you are no longer afraid of losing each other

When things are feeling tumultuous in a relationship, a bit of distance can do a lot of good. Now, if you see that one of you goes away for a long period of time but things don’t feel better when you return, there’s a problem.

I was working with Karla recently, who is telling me that her relationship was suffering and that they were on the brink of divorce. For her job, she was required to go on business trips every few months for a few weeks at a time. She explained that the time away from her husband gave her a sense of liberation, and it made her feel like she could finally breathe.

When she returned from these business trips, instead of being happy to see each other, she and her husband would immediately start fighting about something. She said, “It was like the moment I walked through the door, my guard was back up and I was ready to confront him or be confronted. I never felt like he missed me while I was away – in fact, it felt like he was annoyed that I was already back.”

One of the biggest telltale signs of a failing relationship is when the thought of losing your partner doesn’t scare you. When your partner pulls away or is absent for extended periods of time, it actually gives you a sense of relief and maybe even hope.

Signs a relationship is over: Negative memories outweigh positive memories

If you are wondering, “Is my relationship over,” I want to bring your attention to another element that can help you answer this question. Another one of the biggest signs is when you or your partner only have negative memories associated with the relationship.

As human beings, we tend to fixate on negative memories and for some reason, they often stand out in our minds in clearer focus than positive memories… but when it seems like there are no positive memories at all associated with your relationship with this person, the threat of separation is very close.

I bring this up because when people hold on to positive memories, they can actually serve as an example of what the future could be like with their partner. They make it easier to remember the relationship’s full potential as opposed to this challenging period and can serve as motivation to fight through it.

So when it feels like there are no positive memories to hold on to, it becomes very easy to lose that sense of motivation and hope for the future. A person can easily think, “Why am I even fighting for this relationship?”

When it’s over with someone, you no longer feel that sense of inspiration and fulfillment that is so important in healthy relationships.

How do you know when a relationship is over: Fulfilling your needs at the other’s expense

As I mentioned above, a relationship that is going to withstand the test of time and make both partners happy is going to be one in which the two people operate as a team.

A healthy and loving relationship is rooted in balance and exchange between the two partners. In failing relationships, I often see that one or both partners will try to fulfill their own needs at the other’s expense.

Time and time again, they will put themselves before the relationship and before their boyfriend or girlfriend, and in doing so, they undermine the foundation of the relationship.

One partner’s selfishness can make the other feel unsupported and unimportant. In order for a relationship to thrive, there needs to be a give-and-take, not a “me first” attitude. If one person is willing to step all over the other in order to get what they want, the relationship will fall apart very fast.

When is a relationship over: Justice over forgiveness

Once again, I want to bring your attention to the importance of operating as a team. The dynamic between the two partners is very indicative of where their relationship stands.

If they operate as a team, then they can overcome the challenges that all relationships inevitably face. However, if there is a sense of disconnect and they view each other as opponents, the divide between them will continue to grow.

When a relationship is ending, I often notice that one or both partners consistently choose justice or revenge over forgiveness. When their partner makes a mistake, they feel the need to make them back down or pay for whatever it is that they did wrong…

Though no one is perfect, a couple that is going to overcome obstacles and challenges is going to work together to define long-term solutions. When a person is constantly seeking justice within the relationship, it can quickly undermine the bond between two people and push them further apart.

What’s more, the more this happens, the more resentment will squeeze its way between you and your significant other.

Stages of marriage: What are they and how can you stay happy together?

Irene’s story: The end of a relationship

One of the women I worked with this month is named Irene. She is a successful business owner and the mother of three children, that lives in the UK.

She reached out to me because she desperately wanted to save her marriage. They had been together for such a long time, and she had the best intentions in the world. Irene wanted to make sure that she had tried everything she possibly could to avoid a divorce, for the sake of her kids and for the sake of her marriage.

As we began working together she started share her story, and it didn’t take long before I realized that Irene had been in an emotionally abusive marriage for the last twenty years.

The reality of the situation was that she was married to a man who was both a manipulator and a narcissist.

As we continued to work together, I provided her with guidance and clarity. In some cases, separation or divorce is the best way to regain a sense of inner peace and happiness in a person’s life.

Irene needed that new beginning and honest, unbiased advice that would enable her to alleviate the sense of guilt and responsibility that she felt. When she was finally able to make that important transition in her life, she was truly grateful as the weight of the world has been lifted off of her shoulders.

When is it time to end a relationship: Shutting down and remaining stuck in attack mode

When it comes to being able to tell when it’s time to end a relationship, another thing I talk to my clients about is the way the two people in the relationship choose to try to understand each other.

As I mentioned, obstacles, arguments and disagreements are inevitable in any serious relationship, especially in long term ones, but if one partner consistently refuses to try to understand the other’s thoughts, feelings, and desires, then the relationship is sitting on unstable ground.

When you choose to be with someone, you’re choosing to do what is necessary to preserve and protect your bond. This entails trying to understand your partner when you do not…

Because challenges and disagreements are inevitable, the way a person chooses to approach the situation is very telling about whether or not the relationship is threatened. Without understanding, there is no closeness between two people.

Studies have shown that people are more likely to take advice from or listen to people that they feel understand them. In simple terms, a person will not listen to someone who does not understand them. When we apply this concept to a relationship, it’s easy to see why understanding someone is so important.

If your partner does not feel understood by you, then they will not perceive you as credible and will discredit your opinion. The same is true vice versa. This creates a downward spiral that results in even more distance between you.

So if you are wondering about when my relationship is over pay attention to how well you understand each other, and even more importantly, how much you care to understand each other.

Is this the end: The blame game

Following in line with the concept of understanding the other person, another sign that a relationship is falling apart is when every single argument and disagreement turns into another round of the blame game.

When people feel like a team, they have a much easier time overcoming obstacles, but when both people involved feel like they constantly need to have their guard up and their defenses ready, the relationship is going to be threatened.

In addition to constantly pointing fingers, deflecting blame, and never taking responsibility for one’s own mistakes, another sign that a relationship is ending is when past transgressions or shortcomings are constantly brought up (especially in the heat of an argument).

Two people who have a healthy relationship will seek to build each other up, work past flaws, and navigate through disagreements together. In a relationship that is crumbling, one or both partners no longer see any good or praiseworthy character traits in the other person.

Seeing your significant other in a negative light only makes it easier to point out more character flaws or mistakes in behavior. Again, it becomes a snowball effect.

How to resolve conflict in a relationship: The easiest way!

Refusal to take responsibility in an ending relationship

Instead of accepting that they did something wrong and making a conscious effort to implement long-term solutions, a person in a relationship that is falling apart will find ways to make it their significant other’s fault.

One of the couples I worked with recently have been married for about seven years and were inching dangerously close to divorce when it came to light that the husband, Clark, had had an affair. 

I was working with both of them because they wanted to fix the relationship and I remember Clark saying to his wife, “Well I never would have done it if you’d stop telling me to lose weight because I looked better before! I feel like you don’t find me attractive at all – I guess I wanted to feel wanted!”

Though she may have lacked a bit of tact in her approach, he was trying to deflect blame and not take responsibility for the mistake he had made. When a person is unable to take responsibility, apologize, to make the effort to change, they will lose credibility in their partner’s eyes, their partner will not feel respected, and the divide between them will continue to grow.

Humility and willingness to change are crucial elements of a happy and stable relationship. These are some of the key elements required to overcome challenges and repair a broken relationship.

Feeling completely alone at the end of a relationship

Another sign I want to bring your attention to is the feeling of isolation in the relationship. A lot of people feel completely disconnected from their partners, even though they’re still technically together. They can find themselves living parallel lives but they’ve already mentally checked out of the relationship.

It is not uncommon for two people to be so focused on their own lives, their careers, their children, their other responsibilities, etc, that they just cruise through life without making the effort to connect with their partner.

The problems are left unsolved, the divide begins to grow, and the two people end up feeling even more isolated than before. It’s as though the breakup already took place but they’re just continuing to live in the same place.

One of the easiest ways to protect against this type of thing is to make sure that the friendship is preserved between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend. When the friendship between you is preserved, it becomes so much easier to overcome external challenges as well as arguments that come up between you.

If that friendship is eroded away, then the sense of protection that the relationship had goes with it. You can end up feeling like you are no longer on the same side. If you end up feeling unsupported by the person you are with, then it becomes dangerously easy to turn against him or her.

When this happens, you could actually end up falling in love with your hatred or resentment towards your significant other.

The love you have this for person is replaced by a deep sense of hatred and resentment that can give rise to unprecedented tensions in the relationship. Of course, if there is hatred and resentment that outweighs any feeling of love or compassion for your partner, it is a big sign that your relationship is ending.

How to know when it’s over: Excitement is replaced by a feeling of tiredness

A good thing to keep in mind when you’re thinking about whether or not it’s time to end this relationship is how you feel when you think about sharing a future with this person.

Does it make you feel heavy and exhausted, or do you feel excited at the prospect of staying together with your significant other?

When you feel trapped, uninspired, or even oppressed by this relationship, it means that there is a serious problem, especially if you feel depressed when you think about the future and continuing to live your life with this person.

A relationship is supposed to excite you and make you feel happy when you think about the future with your partner. People in failing relationships will often feel like they’re condemned to spend the rest of their life with their significant other and it makes them feel discouraged and frustrated.

Remember that it’s normal to feel frustrated sometimes in relationship because of the inevitable challenges, but if this feels like a permanent thing, it means that something has to change.

Knowing when a relationship is over: What it boils down to

As this article begins to near its close, there is a relatively easy way to determine whether or not this relationship has run its course.

It requires you to be brutally honest with yourself… You just need to ask yourself one question:

Are you willing to keep trying?

If you are starting to realize that you just don’t have it in you to keep trying to make this work and the prospect of giving up is more appealing than fixing the relationship, then it might be time to let go.

The relationship may have run its course if the thought of trying to remain with this person exhausts you and makes you feel heavy and burdened, you can’t seem to find a reason to continue to try to make it work, you feel taken for granted, and you don’t feel like it’s even worth it anymore.

It is very common for a person to feel like this after they’ve made a valiant effort to try and save a relationship with someone and they feel like no matter what they do, it’s never quite enough and they can never quite fix a problem without having ten more sprout from it.

When you feel disheartened and discouraged like this, and you no longer feel a sense of hope for the future despite everything you’ve tried, you might be ready to let this relationship go.

It is very important to listen to your instincts and determine the best course of action. That said, if you don’t want it, then divorce is not the only option…

What I want you to take from this section is that if you feel like you’ve already done everything you could possibly do, you’ve tried everything you could possibly try, and you just don’t have it in you to keep fighting for this relationship, then the relationship might be over.

Instead of accepting that they did something wrong and making a conscious effort to implement long-term solutions, a person in a relationship that is falling apart will find ways to make it their significant other’s fault.

One of the couples I worked with recently have been married for about seven years and were inching dangerously close to divorce when it came to light that the husband, Clark, had had an affair.

I was working with both of them because they wanted to fix the relationship and I remember Clark saying to his wife, “Well I never would have done it if you’d stop telling me to lose weight because I looked better before! I feel like you don’t find me attractive at all – I guess I wanted to feel wanted!”

Though she may have lacked a bit of tact in her approach, he was trying to deflect blame and not take responsibility for the mistake he had made.

When a person is unable to take responsibility, apologize, to make the effort to change, they will lose credibility in their partner’s eyes, their partner will not feel respected, and the divide between them will continue to grow.

Humility and willingness to change are crucial elements of a happy and stable relationship. These are some of the key elements required to overcome challenges and repair a broken relationship.

Feeling completely alone at the end of a relationship

Another sign I want to bring your attention to is the feeling of isolation in the relationship. A lot of people feel completely disconnected from their partners, even though they’re still technically together. They can find themselves living parallel lives but they’ve already mentally checked out of the relationship.

It is not uncommon for two people to be so focused on their own lives, their careers, their children, their other responsibilities, etc, that they just cruise through life without making the effort to connect with their partner.

The problems are left unsolved, the divide begins to grow, and the two people end up feeling even more isolated than before. It’s as though the breakup already took place but they’re just continuing to live in the same place.

One of the easiest ways to protect against this type of thing is to make sure that the friendship is preserved between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend. When the friendship between you is preserved, it becomes so much easier to overcome external challenges as well as arguments that come up between you.

If that friendship is eroded away, then the sense of protection that the relationship had goes with it. You can end up feeling like you are no longer on the same side. If you end up feeling unsupported by the person you are with, then it becomes dangerously easy to turn against him or her.

When this happens, you could actually end up falling in love with your hatred or resentment towards your significant other. The love you have this for person is replaced by a deep sense of hatred and resentment that can give rise to unprecedented tensions in the relationship.

Of course, if there is hatred and resentment that outweighs any feeling of love or compassion for your partner, it is a big sign that your relationship is ending.

How to know when it’s over: Excitement is replaced by a feeling of tiredness

A good thing to keep in mind when you’re thinking about whether or not it’s time to end this relationship is how you feel when you think about sharing a future with this person.

Does it make you feel heavy and exhausted, or do you feel excited at the prospect of staying together with your significant other?

When you feel trapped, uninspired, or even oppressed by this relationship, it means that there is a serious problem, especially if you feel depressed when you think about the future and continuing to live your life with this person.

A relationship is supposed to excite you and make you feel happy when you think about the future with your partner. People in failing relationships will often feel like they’re condemned to spend the rest of their life with their significant other and it makes them feel discouraged and frustrated.

Remember that it’s normal to feel frustrated sometimes in relationship because of the inevitable challenges, but if this feels like a permanent thing, it means that something has to change.

Knowing when a relationship is over: What it boils down to

As this article begins to near its close, there is a relatively easy way to determine whether or not this relationship has run its course.

It requires you to be brutally honest with yourself… You just need to ask yourself one question:

Are you willing to keep trying?

If you are starting to realize that you just don’t have it in you to keep trying to make this work and the prospect of giving up is more appealing than fixing the relationship, then it might be time to let go.

The relationship may have run its course if the thought of trying to remain with this person exhausts you and makes you feel heavy and burdened, you can’t seem to find a reason to continue to try to make it work, you feel taken for granted, and you don’t feel like it’s even worth it anymore.

It is very common for a person to feel like this after they’ve made a valiant effort to try and save a relationship with someone and they feel like no matter what they do, it’s never quite enough and they can never quite fix a problem without having ten more sprout from it.

When you feel disheartened and discouraged like this, and you no longer feel a sense of hope for the future despite everything you’ve tried, you might be ready to let this relationship go.

It is very important to listen to your instincts and determine the best course of action. We have designed a special product to help you move on from a relationship with peace of mind and grace. If you’d like to access it, all you have to do is click here.

That said, if you don’t want it, then divorce is not the only option… What I want you to take from this section is that if you feel like you’ve already done everything you could possibly do, you’ve tried everything you could possibly try, and you just don’t have it in you to keep fighting for this relationship, then the relationship might be over.

Seeing the signs your relationship is ending

For each of us, there comes a time to let go and if you’ve recognized the points that I have gone over in this article, then that time might be now. If you have done everything possible to fix certain issues in your relationship to no avail, you’ve got to be honest with yourself.

When you have done everything that you can do, it time to detach and begin to deal with your feelings. Face your fears about losing control, and in doing so you will gain control of yourself and your responsibilities. Free others to be who they are and in doing so, you will set yourself free.

Being able to diagnose the state of your relationship is crucial when you want to make sure you are making the right decision.

So to summarize, these are the elements to keep an eye out for if you’re wondering if this relationship is over.

• The amount of hostility between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Does it feel like the hostility is always present? Does it feel like you have experienced so much pain either in this relationship or in a past relationship that you feel that hostility is your only defense against being crushed again?

• The inability to control tempers

A big sign of the end of a relationship is when tempers are not under control, even when it comes to the most trivial things.

• When your significant other is no longer afraid of losing you when you pull away

Long periods of space between you can pass and it does nothing to bring you closer. If anything, it makes you yearn for freedom and liberation from this relationship.

• One or both of you only have negative memories associated with the relationship

There are no more positive memories to keep the flame of hope alive for the future of this relationship. The relationship is associated with negative emotions and brings both people involved down.

• One partner consistently seeks to fill their own needs at the other person’s expense

The two partners are no longer a team, and they are capable of putting the other person down in order to get what they want.

• Justice and revenge are the center of the relationship

Instead of working together to prioritize forgiveness and define long-term solutions to the problems that they encounter, one or both partners tries to ensure that there is justice and that the other pays for their mistakes (sometimes over and over again).

• When one partner consistently refuses to seek to understand the other person

There’s a mental block and a disconnect between the two partners, and no effort is being made to get back on the same page.

• Every argument turns into the blame game

One or both partners try to deflect blame and point fingers all the time, and the result is that solutions are never defined or implemented.

At the end of the day, the biggest indicator that your marriage is over is when neither if you want to try to save it anymore.

The thing I want to stress is that when a relationship or a marriage is truly over, you will know when the time is come. If you can honestly say that you have done everything in your power to make it work in there just seems to be no signs of improvement, it is time to detach and face your feelings. It is possible to face your fears about losing control while gaining control of yourself and your responsibilities.

Seeing signs my relationship is ending: How to change things

Even if you have recognized the signs I’ve gone over in this article in your relationship, I do want to remind you that in many cases, it is possible to change the situation.

I always remind my clients that in most situations, it is possible to turn things around if you’re willing to put in the effort.

When a relationship is in a crisis, it is important to remember that we are dealing with human beings, and human beings are not creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion who are often blinded by prejudices, egos, pride and vanity. You’ve been hurt in the past, you’ve been hurt in this relationship, and we’ve grown up in a society that doesn’t teach us how to love and how to build long lasting relationships. We are constantly exposed to the Disney movie type romance where everything ends happily ever after in sunshine and rainbows. But we aren’t taught how to deal with conflict and many people have grown up in families where the example of love was not strong.

This is why it’s so important to control your temper and to learn to work together if you want to save a relationship. It is all too easy to let your emotions run wild, especially when things have been tense for quite some time.

The thing is, people tend criticize their significant others most loudly in the areas in which they have the deepest emotional needs.

Generally speaking, men and women have different emotional needs in the relationship and it’s easy to neglect these things (especially if you are unaware of them). For example, men need to feel needed by their partners, and a marriage can be doomed the moment a husband feels that he is no longer needed by his partner. If a woman is afraid of not being emotionally supported, she can unknowingly push away the support that she needs from her significant other.

Human beings are all governed by our emotions to a certain extent, but we can all learn how to keep our emotions in check and we can adapt our actions and reactions. This is how we can learn to make relationships thrive.

Let’s work together

Whether your final goal is to repair your relationship with your significant other and restore it to its former glory, or you want to learn the tools to help you bounce back after letting go of this relationship, all you have to do is get in touch with us.

Join The Happily Committed Project and transform your relationship before it’s too late or let us help you heal and move forward with your life in a dignified and meaningful way. Together we can work on reaching your goal by providing you with a clear-cut action plan that has been tailor-made to fit your relationship, your situation, and your specific needs. As a team of love and relationship experts, we are here to guide you from A to Z and answer all of your questions. So please don’t hesitate to reach out to us or leave your question in the comments section below, and it would be our pleasure to personally respond to you.

Wishing you all the best in life and love,

Your coach when you’re looking for signs your relationship is over

By coach Adrian

19 Responses

  1. What if you have tried to repair the relationship and it good for like a week and then it goes back to fighting and arguing and then nothing changes. I’m so lost

    1. It means that there is an issue with the foundation of the relationship. Sometimes we find band-aid solutions when there is a much deeper issue at hand. It will require an analysis of whether or not you two are able to communicate productively, whether or not you are on the same page regarding your goals for this relationship, how much you respect one another, whether or not there is toxicity at play, and how much you trust one another.

      1. I believe my relationship of 13 1/2 years with the most amazing child that’s 10 yrs old is at the bottom and I don’t even know how or where to begin to fix our relationship, if it’s possible. We both come from broken homes of divorced parents and how it affects us growing up. And I’m pretty sure that’s why we’re still together. We both love our child dearly and we would never put him through the heartache of having to live without one of us in his life everyday. So we’ve learned to live with each other without being in constant arguments for our child. It’s very depressing and it makes me feel so unloved as a person, and I’m sure he’s not happy the way he should be also. We use to be Best Friends, is it possible to get the love and everything we had back after all this time?

        1. Hi Heather, thank you for sharing your story. Yes, it is entirely possible to breathe life back into the love you used to share. Please contact us for coaching so that we can ask you specific questions that will enable us to define the most effective action plan for you. To work with us, just click here.

  2. need help fixing my relationship of 2 and a half years my temper and miscommunications have caused problems

  3. What does it mean when a partner feels disrespected and the other can’t talk about it or acknowledge one’s feelings without an explosive argument ensuing. A common phrase is continuous being said “I regret even bringing it up”. Most of the time disrespected one is constantly bridging the gap between the two. Seven years and three kids is a horrible way to end it all and/or start a new.

      1. I have been married for 36 years, I have been unhappy for most of it. We have gone to multiple therapists at all different times during the 36 years some together some separate some family! I have felt less than in his family in fact his mother and I had a very tumultuous relationship early on she has sense passed and we did share some wonderful healing times. However my husband is always right, a bit of a racist, incredibly opinionated and drinks he says he doesn’t have a problem however I am a NP and I know the signs it’s doesn’t matter If you work!!! I have threatened to leave so many times I do t even take me seriously! I don’t even want him to touch me- I took a travel job to be away from home and now I miss my granddaughters… I am always sacrificing to save my self but I won’t leave- what is wrong

  4. I have read the article and my relationship is like a roller coaster more downs than ups. I am trying hard for my children, BUT I feel like I am truly losing interest. We have been together for 10 years with 2 children I love him. I also feel like he is mentally abusive. He states he is depressive which is the problem which I get but what can I do?

  5. I’ve read this whole article and it hasn’t really helped me because I feel all of the “signs” (except maybe one or two) that the relationship is over, but I just can’t let go because I love him so much, but he breaks my heart daily and I don’t feel like he considers my feelings at all, and I mean in any decision he ever makes. We’ve been together 4 years and we live together and he is just so hateful. There’s always a reason, I try to fix that reason and then he comes up with another. I’m so torn and I’m destroying myself to make him happy and I just can’t stop. Please help.

    1. Hello there, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for one on one coaching so that we can create an action plan tailormade for your specific circumstances. To work with us, just click here.

  6. I have always known it was over before it began, I told him I can’t do it, he promised he would never do it again, but it just keeps happening agin and again. He refuses to talk, apologize or take accountability. It’s a one sided relationship. just me, I have to hold myself accountable, for the decision I make

    1. Hi there, I encourage you to download our program designed to help people turn the page when they have decided that it’s time to move on from a one-sided relationship. To access it, just click here.

  7. I feel I show almost all of the signs that my relationship is over. We have been together 4 years and we just moved in a year ago with eachother, let me throw in the mix that I also have a 11 year old from a previous relationship… I feel as if I’m with a narcisst that is verbally and mentally abusive .. The sad part is that I do love him with all my heart but just don’t know if this is worth fight for any longer and loosing myself in the process … He works nights i work days so our time is super limited and when we are home we never really have alone time .. He has been physically abusive a few times and very verbally abusive almost everyday … I could really use some advice from someone other then a family member or friend…Thanks in advance

  8. I believe my husband and I are very close to the end of our marriage. Can someone please contact me regarding setting up sessions?

  9. I don’t get how my husband of 25 years, says that he loves me and he wants to be with me, but he wants to go out and cheat on me. He wants to have his cake and eat it to. How shellfish is that, he doesn’t love me if that’s what he wants to do. He said that he does love me and he doesn’t want me to leave. I’m so confused. Can a relationship even work that way?

  10. My husband and I have been together for 8 years and are on a downwards path to divorce. I cheated on him a few months ago. In my attempt to share with I have been sincere in my apologies and am trying to make things work but he feels like the only way our marriage will work is by me listening to him and doing what he says for us. We have been through many counselors but none that seemed to have helped. Ever since my infidelity he has been demanding in his needs and invalidates mine. I feel like I’m now in a dictatorship vs a partnership. Please help us. 🙏

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