Everything you need to know about how to be happy in a relationship!

Unfortunately, we live in a day and age where many relationships do not withstand the test of time. We are constantly being fed Hollywood romances and Disney movies that never really teach us how to be happy in a relationship in the long term. We’re excited about the relationship while it’s in its honeymoon phase […]

11 telltale signs your relationship is over!

signs your relationship is over

We all know that relationships will go through phases and things aren’t rosy one hundred percent of the time. There will be ups and downs for every couple, and when you are in a challenging period it’s normal to wonder if your relationship is in danger. It is not unusual for a person to wonder […]

Lack of communication in a relationship: Why it happens and how to fix it!

Lack of communication in a relationship

We work with so many people who are coming out of relationships every single day. We help them to heal, grow, and bounce back, and it requires a huge effort on their end. So when someone comes to me asking for help regarding a lack of communication in their current relationship, I always get this […]

When to get a divorce: An expert’s answer!

When to get a divorce

When tensions, frustration, anger, hurt and a whole slew of other negative emotions have been present in a relationship for an extended period of time, it comes as no surprise that the word “divorce” might begin to creep its way into a person’s mind. Every single marriage will experience highs and lows and challenging periods, […]

Married but in love with someone else: Here’s what to do!

Married but in love with someone else

Love is such a fascinating emotion. You can never force it, but once it arrives and settles in, you need to actively preserve it if you don’t want it to go anywhere. Otherwise, love comes and goes, changes and takes us on a wild ride. Sometimes the ride is so wild that you wind up […]

How to make your boyfriend miss you: The EASIEST way!

how to make your boyfriend miss you

When two people are together for a while, it’s not uncommon for the excitement to fade away. You might start to feel like your boyfriend doesn’t miss you when you’re not around, and you might even feel like he’s bored when you are together. This is not a very reassuring feeling, so what can you […]

How to fall back in love? Here are the 10 most powerful tools!

how to fall back in love

Being in a longterm, serious relationship with someone requires maintenance. Many people come to me for help because they have started to feel that the spark isn’t really there anymore, and they want to learn how to fall back in love with their significant other. This is a very common type of situation, so I […]

Happy relationships: How to have & keep them!

Have a happy relationships

One of the things we struggle the most with as a society is preserving happiness in our romantic relationships. Because we live in a consumerist society, we’ve developed a terrible habit of throwing things away instead of fixing them, and we often forget that we need to maintain and build happy relationships. It is so […]

Stages of marriage: What are they and how can you stay happy together?

Stages of marriage

Many people come to me and ask about the stages of marriage. We hear all about the honeymoon period and we know that it’s typically the most magical time, but what about all the other stages of a relationship? What about the ups and downs? How can you navigate all of these stages while ensuring […]

Am I in a toxic relationship: The real answer!

Signs my wife is not attracted to me

I work with people very often who are experiencing a toxic relationship, and in many of these cases, they come to me for answers about whether or not their relationship is just difficult or actually toxic. After all these years of working as a love and relationship coach, I have been able to identify the […]