Quarter life crisis: How to get to the other side of it unscathed!

quarter life crisis

With the pressures that our society places upon us, it comes as no surprise that so many people are experiencing what is called a quarter life crisis. I too experienced a quarter life crisis but fortunately was able to power through it and use it as a tool for positive growth in my life. Because […]

The moving in together checklist: Everything you need to know!

moving in together checklist

Moving in together with your boyfriend or girlfriend is a huge step! It is an extremely exciting time and it marks a new chapter in your relationship. Things between you and the one you love have become more serious, and you’re starting to work on joint projects now. In addition to that, moving in together […]

How to keep your husband attracted to you: Here’s what you need to know!

How to keep your husband attracted to you

I know that when you’re with a person for a long time, things might begin to feel monotonous and predictable. The passion seems to fizzle out and you can wind up wondering what you can do to make your partner become attracted to you again. I work with many individuals who contact me for one […]

Feeling neglected by boyfriend? Do THIS and everything will change!

When you’re dating someone who seems to be busy all the time, it can result you in you feeling neglected. Dating a busy man is not the easiest thing in the world, and it can lead to tensions in the relationship. I’ve seen this happen time and time again, so my goal by writing this […]

Communication in relationships: Everything you need to know for success!

Communication in relationships

It comes as no news to you that communication in relationships is one of the most important factors when it comes to longevity. Yet so many people struggle with it! There are so many people that don’t know how to talk to their partners about what they need and this ends up undermining the relationship. […]

Everything you need to know about how to be happy in a relationship!

Unfortunately, we live in a day and age where many relationships do not withstand the test of time. We are constantly being fed Hollywood romances and Disney movies that never really teach us how to be happy in a relationship in the long term. We’re excited about the relationship while it’s in its honeymoon phase […]

11 telltale signs your relationship is over!

signs your relationship is over

We all know that relationships will go through phases and things aren’t rosy one hundred percent of the time. There will be ups and downs for every couple, and when you are in a challenging period it’s normal to wonder if your relationship is in danger. It is not unusual for a person to wonder […]

The BIGGEST signs your marriage is over!

Your gut has been telling you that things haven’t been right between you and your spouse for quite some time now. You used to be so close, you two shared everything under the sun, it felt like you were perfectly synced, and you were so happy together. These days, however, it feels like there is […]

Lack of communication in a relationship: Why it happens and how to fix it!

Lack of communication in a relationship

We work with so many people who are coming out of relationships every single day. We help them to heal, grow, and bounce back, and it requires a huge effort on their end. So when someone comes to me asking for help regarding a lack of communication in their current relationship, I always get this […]