How to fix a marriage after infidelity: 3 surefire tools

how to fix a marriage after infidelity

Many clients come to us asking if it’s actually possible to fix a marriage after infidelity and are very relieved when we tell them that yes, it is! If you have found yourself reading this article today, the chances are that you also have been wondering the same thing. Your marriage has been faced with […]

Life after divorce: Finding joy in new beginnings

life after divorce

The prospect of life after divorce can feel daunting and overwhelming. When you’ve built a marriage with someone that did not end up the way that you had expected it to, you enter a period of transformation. We’ve all heard about the concept of “growing pains,” and this process will be uncomfortable. That said, it […]

I cheated on my husband: how do I fix this?

why did i cheat on my husband

If you’re reading this article right now, it means that you have found yourself in a very challenging situation. You have been unfaithful to the man you love, and you’re trying to figure out how to repair the damage. Many people come to us for help, saying, “I cheated on my husband, is there any […]

Separation prevention: Everything you need to know!

separation prevention

I have to say, whenever a client comes to me asking about separation prevention, I feel a certain sense of happiness. Why? Well, I am touched by this because very often we are working with people that are coming out of relationships and want to know what they can do to put the pieces back […]

Toxic partner: How to identify them and find REAL solutions

how to deal with toxic partner

What is a toxic partner? Unfortunately, unhealthy relationships are not so unusual in today’s day and age. They tend to be something that develops without a person realizing it, and then they can experience a whole mess of emotions that makes them feel trapped. Because this is such a common topic, I wanted to write […]

Why happy people cheat and what you can do about it now!

Why Happy People Cheat

Why happy people cheat? Over the years I have been working with so many people that have come to me for help after their relationship experienced infidelity. A couple of days ago, a client asked me a very pertinent question, and it is something that often comes up in my coaching sessions. Why do happy […]

6 tips for a successful marriage!

tips for a successful marriage

If you’re familiar with our philosophy here at Happily Committed, then you know that we have made it our mission to provide you with tips and tools through not only our articles, but our YouTube Channel, and of course our one on one coaching sessions. We want to give you all the information you need […]

Stubborn love: The easiest way to fix it!

Stubborn love

One of the most common questions people that reach out to me has to do with stubborn love. They want to know what to do when you’re dealing with a stubborn partner. If you have been with someone for a very long time, you probably think that they are stubborn as well, and this is […]

Move on from a relationship: When it’s time and how to do it!

Move on from a relationship

As a love and relationship coach, I hear these words far too often. So many people come to me and ask if it is time to move on from their relationship or if they should keep trying. Here at Happily Committed we specialize in helping people find true happiness in love, whether that means healing […]

7 EASY ways to improve communication in relationships

ways to improve communication in relationships

What are the best ways to improve communication in relationships? Communication is the pillar of a healthy relationship, but that comes as no news to you! You have already gone out of your way to find some useful information that will help improve the way that you and the person you love communicate. A lot […]